I want to develop the young talent that India has - Gerard Nus : Interview

Indian Football Reports exclusive interview with Spanish football manager Gerard Nus in association with Optob Interviews. Excerpts...

1. Tell something about the quality of Indian Super League, and Indian Players ?

Ans: Indian players impressed me a lot, they have great skills and they are always ready to improve.

2. Say something about Gallego.

Ans: Gallego is a great leader on and off the field. One of the best midfielders I have ever coached, his touch reminds me of Steven Gerrard’s, player I had at Liverpool FC.

3. How was your experience in India with NEUFC ?

Ans: Very good, together we made history and I am glad with the amazing run we had. I know I will be back in India sooner or later.

4. Is apuia ralte the future of Indian Football ?

Ans: Apuia is a great player and he has a bright future. That is why I chose him as a captain. I want to develop the young talent that India has.

5. Say something on the fans of Northeast United FC ?

Ans: I felt love since day one, they are great. The fans are always the most important part of a club!

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