ISL is where every Indian player wants to come up - Brandon Green : Interview

Indian Football Reports exclusive interview with FC Bengaluru United's defender Brandon Green in association with Optob Interviews. Excerpts...

1. Can you please tell us about your childhood? From where did you grow ? Your first professional Football Club etc....

I grew up in a small town in Kalyani West Bengal, studied in julien day school , my first professional club is atk Mohan bagan 2015.

2. Anything about the fans of ATK

There were alot of people that helped me grow as a player in atk to me they were more like family than fans.

3. Who has been your inspiration in football ?

I started playing football after my brother so he was my first inspiration other than that professional footballer's I admire are Cristiano Ronaldo and Sergio Ramos.

4. Toughest forward you faced so far & why ? 

Roy Krishna is the toughest forward I have faced so far. It was during the friendlies among the senior team players when I played against him.

5. Who is the best coach you play under ? 

To be honest all the coaches I've been under have been amazing so it's a difficult choice.

6. Are you looking for coming to ISL next season ?

Surely, ISL is where every Indian player wants to come up. I am also working hard for that chance as I hope to get their soon.

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